Untitled design (4)

Bahast Abubakr

IT Assistant

Personal Summary:

I am a full-stack web developer who is proficient in both back-end and front-end frameworks. My passion lies in learning about the latest technologies.


Education & Certificates


Bachelor of Information Technology (Outstanding student – 4 years in a row)


Certificate of Object Oriented Programming

  • Completed the course in the excellent level
  • Conducted from 1st Jan 2018 to 1st Dec 2018

Certificate of Outstanding Student

  • For excellent effort and achievements
  • From 27 Nov 2019

Certificate of Google hash code

  • Accomplishment in Google hash code 2021
  • 5th on IRAQ’s level
  • 1654th on world’s level

Certificate of Object Oriented Programming

  • Completed the course in the excellent level
  • Conducted from 1st Sep 2019 to 31st Dec 2019


Professional Skills

File:Laravel.svg - Wikipedia


Coding Languages:

  • JAVA; Html/CSS; SQL; PHP; JavaScript;


  • Bootstrap ,tailwind , Laravel , Livewire

Git (Version control)


  • Oracle 10g; MySQL; Firebase


  • Router & Switch Configuration

Graphic Design:

  • Adobe Photoshop , Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe after effect

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